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Suggest a Slogan for the New Education Policy

Start Date :
Jan 09, 2015
Last Date :
Jan 21, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Background note for the New Education Policy (NEP) ...

Background note for the New Education Policy (NEP)

• A New Education Policy is being formulated for the country through an inclusive, participatory and holistic approach. The National Policy on Education was framed in 1986 and modified in 1992. Since then several changes have taken place which call for a revision of the policy.

• The new National Education Policy will aim at meeting the changing dynamics of the population’s requirement with regards to quality education, innovation and research and to make India a knowledge superpower by equipping its students with the necessary skills and knowledge and to eliminate the shortage of manpower in science, technology, academics and industry.

• There are 12 themes for the School Education, which include improving learning outcomes, extending outreach of Secondary and Senior Secondary education, strengthening of Vocational Education, reforming school examination systems, revamping teacher education, accelerating rural literacy with special emphasis on Women, SCs, STs & Minorities, promotion of Information and Communication Technology, new knowledge and approaches for teaching of Science and Maths, schools standards, assessment and management systems, inclusive education, promotion of Languages and Comprehensive Education.

• There are 20 themes for Higher Education which include governance reforms, ranking of institutions and accreditation ,quality of regulation, pace setting roles of central institutions, improving State public universities, integrating skill development in higher education, promoting online courses and technology enabled learning, addressing regional, gender and social disparities, linking higher education to society, developing the best teachers, sustaining student support systems, promoting cultural integration through language, private sector partnership, financing higher education, internationalization, industry engagement to link education to employability, research and innovation and new knowledge.

This task seeks inputs to suggest a Slogan for New Education Policy.

Last Date of Submission is 20th January, 2015.

The winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/-.

Please click here for more information on Terms & Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria.

Moderator for the task

Dr. Shakila Shamsu,
Ministry of Human Resource Development
E-Mail ID: nep.edu@nic.in

Under Review
Showing 602 Submission(s)
Narendra Pant 10 years 1 month ago

The Idea of education is to enable every one to lead a life with dignity and spur innovation in every walk of life. The New education policy can act as a catalyst and India can reclaim glorious days of past. Jai Hind .

Jims Chacko 10 years 1 month ago

1. Knowledge for Life,
2. Together We Make The Difference.
3. Learning Today . . . Leading Tomorrow.
4. Learning Today For A Better Tomorrow.