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User Interface Development Competition for TEXAPP - Phase I

Start Date :
Jan 30, 2020
Last Date :
Feb 10, 2020
17:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

General information about the Commissionerate and competition: ...

General information about the Commissionerate and competition:

Commissionerate of Textiles, Maharashtra State, Nagpur-440001, is established in the year 1971. The Commissionerate is a entity of Co-operative, Marketing & Textiles Department of the Government of Maharashtra, It works for cooperative textile industry. Commissioner (Textile) is ex officio registrar for co-operative textile societies. The Commissionerate also works for the implementation of the various schemes for co-operative spinning mills, power loom societies and handloom societies. Working of the Commissionerate is regulated by the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 and various rules of Government of Maharashtra.
Commissionerate of Textiles, Maharashtra State, Nagpur is trying to adapt the needs of fast changing digital world and is continuously in process of up gradation. These efforts will show positive results only when we make the process transparent and public participative. TexApp is one such innovative concept where textile department is aiming to put all registered textile units of Maharashtra on Global platform and create business opportunities for the textile units. It is a global digital platform for buyers’ and sellers meet in textile industry. The success of the TexApp concept depends on its penetration in society and actual people connect. Hence to create awareness among the digital generation of India, it is necessary to take the concept to this generation in participative format where every student can contribute to the concept and feel connected with campaign with sense of belonging.
With above mentioned aim of promotion of TexApp among tech savvy generation, we are proposing the TexApp User Interface Development Competition for Students.
Commissionerate of textiles, Maharashtra State, Nagpur appeals the citizen to participate in the competition in large number.

The competition will be conducted in two phases as :

•Phase I - The Wireframe Development Phase
•Phase II - The App Development Phase

Last Date of Submission for Phase 1 is 10th February, 2020 till 5pm.

1.Every shortlisted participant from Phase - I will be awarded with a certificate from Commissionerate.
2.Winner entry from Phase II will be awarded cash prize of Rs. 10000 (Rupees Ten Thousands only) (sponsorer Ms Embedded Creations) and certificate from commissionerate.

Click here to read the Terms and Conditions.

For any technical queries please mail at:
embedded.creations@gmail.com OR textilecomm.ng-mh@gov.in

Under Review
Showing 10 Submission(s)
pranav 5 years 3 weeks ago

A splash screen of the user interface app designed is executed
This is the main page of the app where the user gets a choice of what to do (either to buy /sell/textile knowledge book/logging onto website)
This is a seller login page and it asks the user for the unique ID and their password to login
This is a seller page which contains search option with map which locates the desired textile unit given by the user.

Shashank Kumar 5 years 3 weeks ago

Hello team,

New design has the following feature:
- Defined navigation
- Easy to onboarding & get the zest of the application system.
- Quick registration
- Seamless google map integration for better GPS tracking.
- Quality & trending visual design
- Touch-based standard UI patterns for better interaction
- Harmonious new branding blending with Logo.

Nikunj maniya
Nikunj maniya 5 years 3 weeks ago

1) The end-users may not be highly qualified so I kept design simple and friendly.
2) I have used orange color because it was in a logo and also looks classy.
3) I have added all the key features on the home screen, hence it can be accessed easily.
4) The design is flexible and other functions can be included effortlessly.

Pankaj Soni_99
Pankaj Soni 5 years 1 month ago

Wireframe of user interface development for Texapp - phase 1 is shown through four window of smartphone step by step. Detail of each window is explained in both conceptual sheet attached below. The wireframe is designed in such a way that it is used by any person as easy as they use whatsapp. It is very user friendly for Buyer and Seller as well.
