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User Interface Development Competition for TEXAPP - Phase II

Start Date :
Feb 27, 2020
Last Date :
Mar 13, 2020
17:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

General information about the Commissionerate and competition: ...

General information about the Commissionerate and competition:

Commissionerate of Textiles, Maharashtra State, Nagpur-440001, is established in the year 1971. The Commissionerate is a entity of Co-operative, Marketing & Textiles Department of the Government of Maharashtra, It works for cooperative textile industry. Commissioner (Textile) is ex officio registrar for co-operative textile societies. The Commissionerate also works for the implementation of the various schemes for co-operative spinning mills, power loom societies and handloom societies. Working of the Commissionerate is regulated by the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 and various rules of Government of Maharashtra.

Commissionerate of Textiles, Maharashtra State, Nagpur is trying to adapt the needs of fast changing digital world and is continuously in process of up gradation. These efforts will show positive results only when we make the process transparent and public participative. TexApp is one such innovative concept where textile department is aiming to put all registered textile units of Maharashtra on Global platform and create business opportunities for the textile units. It is a global digital platform for buyers’ and sellers meet in textile industry. The success of the TexApp concept depends on its penetration in society and actual people connect. Hence to create awareness among the digital generation of India, it is necessary to take the concept to this generation in participative format where every student can contribute to the concept and feel connected with campaign with sense of belonging.

With above mentioned aim of promotion of TexApp among tech savvy generation, we are proposing the TexApp User Interface Development Competition for Students.

The competition will be conducted in two phases as:

1. Phase I - The Wireframe Development Phase - Completed
2. Phase II - The App Development Phase

Phase I was conducted from 30th January,2020 till 10th February,2020 and the top 10 entries were selected out of the 180 entries received.

Click here to find out the Top 10 entries selected from Phase I:

Submission Procedure:
Participants should upload the APK file on the Google drive and have to share its link to MyGov platform along with Commissionerate’s email ID : textilecomm.ng-mh@gov.in only.

Winning entry from Phase II will be awarded cash prize of Rs. 10,000 (sponsored by Ms Embedded Creations) and certificate from Commissionerate.

Last Date of submission for Phase II is 13.03.2020 till 5:00 pm.

Click here to read the Terms and Conditions.

For any technical queries please mail at:
embedded.creations@gmail.com OR

Under Review
Showing 2 Submission(s)
Maanit Kalsotra
Maanit Kalsotra 4 years 9 months ago

Find the apk file below
This UI is completely customizable and developer-friendly with attractive colour scheme and floating tiles.
every thing from icon color to font color from background to relative placement of components can easily be changed.
Kindly refer to the attached pdf file for full explanation.

-Maanit Kalsotra(Design & Development)
-Prashita Kalsotra(Icons & Color Scheme)

Devee singh sisodiya
Devee singh sisodiya 4 years 9 months ago

ईरान में करीब 1200 भारतीय फंसे हैं। 800 छात्र हैं। लगभग सभी मुसलमान हैं।वही मुसलमान जिनके लिए कहा जाता है कि @narendramodi सरकार उन्हें देश से निकाल देना चाहती है।पर हो ये रहा है कि सरकार स्क्रीनिंग मशीन ईरान भेजकर एक एक को बचाकर निकाल रही है। अब भी जिन भड़वो को नहीं दिखता तो श्री राम मालिक है।