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Call for Ideas - Citizen Interface for NHAI

Call for Ideas - Citizen Interface for NHAI
Start Date :
May 14, 2022
Last Date :
Jun 15, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

National Highway Authority of India currently is planning to build a citizen facing interface which can cater to all highway related needs of NH commuters. NHAI already has an ...

National Highway Authority of India currently is planning to build a citizen facing interface which can cater to all highway related needs of NH commuters. NHAI already has an Android mobile application called Sukhaad Yatra (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rsawh.nhia&hl=en_IN&gl=US) which needs to be upgraded and advanced further.

Citizens are invited to share their ideas on how the Sukhad Yatra app can be improved with additional features/ integrations to better service the needs of citizens. The end outcome is to improve the experience of NH commuters and build a robust medium of 2-way communication.

The tool will not be limited to but can cover the following areas:
● Informing users of construction and maintenance activities
● Allowing users to register complaints pertaining to the condition of the highway or highway activities such as toll (for eg. If wait times for a toll gate are too long or if FasTag is not working at a gate)
● Allow users to rate highways on various characteristics of the highway around their experience as a rider (on both negative and positive characteristics of experience, for example whether the NH offers a scenic route or view)
● Allow user to access emergency and first response services on the highway
● Allow users to access information on wayside amenities, petrol pumps, EV stations etc. Information about location of facilities along the route can be searched on Google Maps but this is hard to access for non smartphone users.
● Allow users to report traffic congestion, accidents, debris, toll-relates issues, request EV charging points etc to local command centres (Eg. Waze)
● The interface should be able to cater to user-needs of commuters with and without smartphones
● The interface should have a strong focus on UX, intuitive and centred around the day-to-day needs and experience of highway users.

The interface can also operate as a platform through which multiple existing private and public applications can link to such as NH’s toll free number, toll management system etc or travel related apps (MapMyIndia, Google Maps etc) which already have a high user-base. The platform should leverage strengths of existing IT applications and not reinvent where necessary.

The design should cater to all kinds of NH users such as:
● Commercial (trucking etc) who may or may not have a smartphone and a user design which caters to their needs
● Personal long-distance commuter which may not be as frequent but may have access to smartphones
● Local residents who live around the highways and use it more frequently than private long distance commuters

Submissions to this can be in the form of app mock-ups/ prototypes, presentations, concept notes on platform and other interfaces, list of desired features by commuters etc.

Tha last date of submission of ideas is 15th June 2022.

Showing 1285 Submission(s)
DINESH CHANDRA Dhyani 2 years 9 months ago

while drawing map of national highways it should be kept in mind that if possible it touches nearby colleges and schools so that students can get transport easily

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

or cn be number of toll free
traveling attach by app
any possible availability
then make a group while traveling
that cn share route & cn be verify its authenticity

DINESH CHANDRA Dhyani 2 years 9 months ago

Toll constructed on National Highways must be made free for locals whose lands are taken for construction and also made free for emergency services such as police, ambulance, army etc

DINESH CHANDRA Dhyani 2 years 9 months ago

Construction of National Highways must be devised in such a way that a significant part of these highways can be constructed under MNREGA to provide employment to locals

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

by night traveling
by app try to attach with emergency number
or try to take help nearby police station
find out in app police station
in case of any doubtful situation try to stay nearby areas
so by app always be information feeds

DINESH CHANDRA Dhyani 2 years 9 months ago

Constructing National Highways are good for boosting infrastructure but mechanism should also be devised to develop connecting subsidiary road too that connects villages to National Highways

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

always follow sare route
try to feed accurate exact information in app
don't try to mislead people
avoid unnecessary comments
do good things or nothing
always be supportive cooperative
cause journey cn be joyful
by your help & good information provided by u

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

Highway best way
with technology
4 each other connectivity
if in case of traffic jam even u cn do help each other & try to solve problems
if in night traveling try to help others
keep with u battery/lights
in heavy transport try to use solar system

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

Highway like a bridge to connect/welcome
my neighbour
NHAI - neighborhood happy as i
means to say that
if I drive safely i cn live with all happily
cause if I drive safely automatically i will secure
another traveller
so which connects to us a bridge a National Highway
follow rules drive carefully
just as we keep r home clean

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

Road r to traveling rather enjoying
cause we have to follow few rules
to safe journey by self & others
so r duty to keep maintaining standard of following of orders
don't throwing garbage outside ets
in app by help of technology try to help others
that less problems to meet
in case of u borrow power bank
such way
make a helping bank for your people/society
inside u u r traveling outside u r just driving vehicles so keeping yourself sefe u automatically safers to others
then to in transport try to use solar system
in vehicle
highway happyway better