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Chennai - A Global Smart City in Making

Chennai - A Global Smart City in Making
Start Date :
Sep 16, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 16, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Corporation of Chennai is preparing a proposal towards Smart City Challenge which would include city wide smart urban solutions as well as identification of areas within the city ...

Corporation of Chennai is preparing a proposal towards Smart City Challenge which would include city wide smart urban solutions as well as identification of areas within the city for its implementation.

The proposal would be defined primarily based on voice of Chennai residents. An extensive citizen engagement programme is established by Corporation of Chennai to document the views and concernsfor the same.

Residents may post their opinion and ideas on civic services such as transport, parking, water supply, sanitation, energy, housing, IT solutions,health, education, safety and security. Your views, opinion and solutions on urban issues faced by Chennai would not only support a better tomorrow for Chennaites, it will also make Chennai a strong contender for getting shortlisted as one of the first 20 cities in India to implement Smart City Solutions in Phase 1.

Chennai citizen and community is its biggest strength. Let’s participate to make this proposal inclusive and meaningful for every common man, every citizen.

The last date to submit your comments is 15th November, 2015.

Showing 1828 Submission(s)
ENIYAVAN SEKAR 9 years 4 months ago

My choice in smart city should be in city zone, 3 smart cities should be inside the city,north south central chennai...i would like RK nagar the CM constituency from north chennai for smart city ..RK Nagar is still underdeveloped compare to rest of chennai..

Mahesh Varadharajan
Mahesh Varadharajan 9 years 4 months ago

My choice for smart city in Chennai would be the zone of Sholinganallur. Making only OMR part of Sholinganallur smart is not sufficient, make the entire corporation zone-15 coming under the Sholinganallur Taluk smart, especially Okkiyam Thuraipakkam area which is really a central location in OMR but all the inner roads and residential localities are lacking infrastructure, and looks like a village.

rahuldeva 9 years 4 months ago

main things should be provided are:

1.super sockers under roads to drain water on the roads in monsoons
2.proper lanes for different types of vechicles
3.solar lights may be used
4.continuous water supply system with ro system
5.proper drainage system

rahuldeva 9 years 4 months ago

T.NAGAR is the best place for the smart city because most crowded place in the city needs a developed structure but it is in developing stage and it need a proper roads and lanes for uninterrupted migration

Aarathi G A 9 years 4 months ago

Main things that can be immediately considered are

1) Ensuring all the roads are well laid and usable. Currently most of the roads even within the city are full of potholes. During the monsoon it is worse. So first thing is to ensure that all roads are well laid within the city and in the outskirts

2) Ensure that footpaths are well laid and usable by pedestrians.

3) Ensure that it is a green city. Even if we are not growing new trees, we need to ensure the existing ones are not cut

Satish_93 9 years 4 months ago

Roads & boundaries may be developed for both the lakes so that drain & waste shall not be allowed in the lake & lake front may be developed.

Satish_93 9 years 4 months ago

Efforts should be made for protection & preservation of Environment by imposing stringent conditions while developing infrastructure and government should encouraged such efforts by offering special incentives or rewards so that people would take initiative in making our environment pollution free.