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Communicating and changing the discriminatory social construct against the girl child

Start Date :
Oct 08, 2014
Last Date :
Nov 30, 2014
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The girl child today faces inequality and gender based discriminations even before birth. The nation cannot move forward unless women are given opportunity to realize their full ...
We need to analyse statistically that how many couples have a single male child and how many have single girl child? How many couples with two or more child, had first male child? How many people, who had first girl child, had second child also girl? These things will give a deeper insight into problems.By natural selection in 100 couples, first child should be 50boy and 50 girls. If 20 people with boys don't go for second child.remaining 80will have again40 boys and 40 girls hence20 excess boys
A small request to Honorable PM, please get some law in place where a girl child is equally expected to be financially supportive to their parents in their old age. Let the every girl grow up educated, so that she will not be treated as a burden for her parents, Such law will indirectly affect many areas like Dowry, Girl Child Infancy, and Girl child education. PLEASE request from a daughter and a mother of a daughter
This distorted sex ratio has one more important reason, which is being overlooked. Now we are not allowing selection of sex by nature. Now there are lots of working couples. Those who get first child as boy, they don't go for second child but those who get first girl child, try second/ third pregnancy. Thus nature is not able to bring a balance, because randomization is skewed in favor of male child, even without any diagnostic sex selection.Here nothing but our mindset can bring change in ratio
Too much of paper work under PC-PNDT is just causing harassment for ethical practitioners. This malaise can not be solved through proper filling of " Form F" OR by absence or presence of a notice board. Culprits are always smart and they keep their papers in order and because they charge hefty money and hence can afford lots of staff to manage paper work.We need to find out those crooks, instead of harassing whole medical fraternity and hence affecting quality of care, by increasing paper work.
on women's day this year (8th march) we should arrange a programme at each city, each village in which the successful lady of their locality will say about her. along with the lady, their family members and friends and colleagues should also be honored. in that way they feel proud and she and her family members will become example for their society. how this idea could be?
Sir, despite PC-PNDT act, sex ratio is deteriorationg. We need to change our approach in this act.Appropriate authority should send a congratulatory letter to all families, in which a pregnancy above 10 weeks has been reported,along with a foot note that female foeticide is a punishable crime. On completion of 40 weeks, a letter should be sent to family regarding outcome of pregnancy. Make PC-PNDT society centric, make families answerable about outcome of pregnancyIt will bring dramatic change
ek ladke ko ek aurat hi janm deti hai fhir hamara desh pradhan hai,kyu?sabhi ko ladka chahiye pr ye nahi sochte log ki ladke ko to ek ladki hi janm degi ,to fhir ladkiyo mpe atyachar kyu ? betiyo ko kyu mara ja raha hai aaj v .. ??
plz ab to chup na rahiye , aawaz uthaiye , beti bachaiye , ek maa ek bahan ko bachahiye unhe protsahan dijiye ki wo har kaam kar sakti hai...
maine awaz uthaya hai kai asamajik tatvo k khilaf,kai logo k mana karne k bawzood,dhamkiyo k bawzud v..plz ap v aage aaiye.
why should girls and boys be treated differently when both are part and parcel of the society.
can we imagine a society without A GIRL.
why dont we realise that each and every second of our lives is a GIFT of a LADY..
our MOTHER..!!!!
its a shame that in a country where goddesses are worshiped, where Navratri festival is celebrated,in that country women are ill treated,female fetecide and female infanticide occur,crimes against women are on rise.
ONUS is on us to do needful at earliest.
बेटी है तो हम हैं
परन्तु हमारे समाज का दुर्भाग्य कि माँ होकर भी विवसता का शिकार हो जाती है और बेटियों को आने से रोकने का पाप कर बैठती हैं। हमें प्रण लेना होगा कि जो भी इस अपराध में शामिल हों उन्हें कठोर सजा दिलाएं। दहेज़ लेने वालों का सामाजिक वहिष्कार हो।बेटियों को पढ़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाय। गॉव-गॉव में जागरूकता एवं सशक्तिकरण केंद्र प्राइवेट संस्थाओं के माध्यम से खोले जाएं। सरकार द्वारा चलाये जा रहे अभियान सफल नहीं हो पाते। लूट खसोट का माहौल बन जाता है।
There isn't a forum for women security so I am posting here. There is a rapid increase in crime against girl children and women in cities like Bangalore. Bangalore was at a certain point of time safest for girls and women. Everyday we read about sexual crimes in schools , colleges . Trends in other parts of India remain dismal. When can we see strict measure being taken in this direction. This problem is like cancer and spreading in the society. We need severe measure to deal with this.