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Give Inputs for Hindi and Tamil Online Handwriting Recognition System

Give Inputs for Hindi and Tamil Online Handwriting Recognition System
Start Date :
Dec 18, 2015
Last Date :
Jan 09, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

A system designed especially for recognizing the handwritings. Any stylus based inputting device can be used to input text using handwriting. All the stylus based devices provide ...

A system designed especially for recognizing the handwritings. Any stylus based inputting device can be used to input text using handwriting. All the stylus based devices provide basic data in the form of X-Y co-ordinates called as stroke/trace. This handwritten text in the form of stroke/trace is converted into editable text thus bypassing the need for a keyboard for text entry. This system uses handwritten recognition engine which is specifically trained on sample of handwriting styles.

Benefits/Applications Areas:

- Form-Filling Applications
- Census Data Collection
- Other Applications( It can be used for variety of applications such as user information collection by Anganwadi workers and primary health centres, accident and FIR reports by police and note taking etc. It is also useful for sending test messages, language learning games for kids, as digital transcribers for PDA’s and Tablet PC’s, etc.

Devices supported under this technology:

- Any mobile phone with a stylus input
- Any tablet device/ Any stylus based digital wiring device

This project is funded by DeitY, Government of India under TDIL program - "Technology Development for Indian Languages".

Please help us improve Online Handwriting Recognition System by providing your valuable comments and suggestions.

Keyboard with handwritten recognition system is available for download.

Please visit below links to download Hindi and Tamil Keyboard with Handwritten Recognition.

Android: Click here for Hindi / Click here for Tamil

Windows: Click here for Hindi / Click here for Tamil

To know more about the system, kindly visit website www.tdil-dc.in

The last date of submission is 8th January, 2016.

Showing 108 Submission(s)
rajesh bhatelia 9 years 1 month ago

sabhi bima agent ki commission ki amdani rs.1.5 laks se jayda ho tab TDS kat na chahiye.and sabhi bima agent ka commission badh na chahiye and sabhi bima company ko bhi sabhi agent ko ap ne karmchario ko jo jo benefit dete ho vo sabhi benefit dena chahiye .bhot muskil se agent ko bima milta hohga, field me jakar dekhna and experience kar ke ye sujav par soch na chahiye .onlu sujav he sikayat nahi he

JAGDISH PATHAK 9 years 1 month ago

The discussion on SELF HELP FORUM has been closed, It was the right and appropriate forum to discuss any matter which was related to any person on any issue. I heartly request to start the SELF HELF FORUM, if not possible to restart, please start on common forum in which any person can share their problems and issues on which they wanted to share.It will also helpful to our mission, because, the participant will write any matter in any irrelated forum, which may not respond properly, Thanks

Pratik Kunal
Pratik Kunal 9 years 1 month ago

The system can be enhanced to "read" Tamil/Hindi scripts using an in-built camera & translate it to any other language. For example, if the camera of a system (laptop/tablet/smartphone) is pointed to a tamil text, the system shall be able to read that text and translate it to desired language like Hindi. This can be achieved by image processing techniques. Such a system will be immensely useful to decipher sign-boards, announcements etc which may be written in a language not understood by user.

Shrikanth Hegde
Shrikanth Hegde 9 years 1 month ago

I was trying to use application, but accuracy seems bit less and looks like there is no correlation between words. When i write words at an angle, accuracy drops a lot, some preprocessing could be done here. Accuracy could be improved, with large scale neural network and deeplearning. Is there a white paper for this? some suggestions could be done if it available.

Khushali 9 years 1 month ago

This might be a little off topic but if the system is based on voice recognition then it may also help those people who face difficulty in reading or writing. Meaning that, if the user is asked a question verbally and is allowed to input answer verbally then it may benefit more in some scenarios. System can record the voice responses. Just a thought.

SHESHNATH RAI_1 9 years 1 month ago

मा०प्रधानमंत्री जी द्वारा दिया गया "कर्तव्य" पर कविता की पंक्ति अपने तुच्छ से ज्ञान द्वारा लिखने कि कोशिश किया हूँ -

ठाना कार्य जब तूँ सच्ची लगन से कर दिखलाएगा,
तेरा लगन दूसरों के हित में भूमिका निभाएगा,
तेरा कार्य जिस दिन देश का मान बढ़ाएगा,
हे मानव! उस दिन तेरा कर्तव्य सच्चे हित
का कर्तव्य कहलाएगा।

Khushali 9 years 1 month ago

Hello..I like the system that you are planning to design. But since the every person has a unique style of writing comparing with some of the samples of writings might or might not get a good result sometimes. I have one suggestion here. When a user installs this app, or uses the system for the first time a test sentence which covers all the letters of Hindi or Tamil can be given to the user to type. This way, we can capture the style of writing particular letters for that particular user.

Nirav Singh
Nirav Singh 9 years 1 month ago

यह् पहल भारतिय भाशाऒ कॆ विकास् ऎवम् विस्तार् कॆ लियॆ ऎक् अति महत्वपुर्न यॊग्दान् है. तकरिबन् 70 प्रतिशत् फॊर्म्स् ऐसॆ है जॊ कि मात्र इङ्लिश् भाशा कॆ अनुरुप् है और् इसि वजह् सॆ रुरल् नागरिक् या तॊ अपन मन्तव्य दॆतॆ नहि है या फिर् भाशा बाध् कि वजह् सॆ दॆ नहि पातॆ है. सभि राज्य सरकारॆ इस् सुविधा कॊ महत्तम् आधार् प्रदान् करॆ तॊ रुरल् ऎवम् अन्य नागरिक् जिसॆ भाशा बाध् है वॆ अपना मन्तव्य ऎवम् यॊग्दान् पुर्न स्वरोप् सॆ दॆङ्गॆ. इस् पहल् कॆ लियॆ हम् MILE Lab,IISc ऎवम् अन्य सहयॊगि सन्स्थाऒ कॆ आभारि है.