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Improving performance of India in Olympics and other mega sports events commensurate with its size and potential

Improving performance of India in Olympics and other mega sports events commensurate with its size and potential
Start Date :
Sep 19, 2016
Last Date :
Oct 18, 2016
15:00 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

In the recently concluded Rio Olympics 2016, India sent its largest ever Olympic contingent comprising of 118 athletes. Despite the large number of athletes, the Indian contingent ...

In the recently concluded Rio Olympics 2016, India sent its largest ever Olympic contingent comprising of 118 athletes. Despite the large number of athletes, the Indian contingent managed to bag only 2 medals in the Games viz., one Silver medal in Badminton and one Bronze medal in Wrestling. Considering the size of our country it can be said that the present performance was not up to the country’s potential. Views/suggestions are invited on what specific steps need to be taken to realise full sporting potential of India in forthcoming Olympics in 2020, 2024 and 2028.

Showing 511 Submission(s)
ANUGRAH GUPTA 8 years 3 months ago

I would like to add a peculiar fact that quite astonishingly goes unnoticed. We Indians bestow so much of our love and blessings to the athletes who win a medal in Olympics that they get enough money and fame for their entire life and so, the inspiration which had driven them to that success is gone and they stop working hard and ultimately end up not qualifying for or in the next Olympics. This loss of consistency is because of the adulation by different governments and rich magnates.

ANUGRAH GUPTA 8 years 3 months ago

Being the largest democracy, Indian athletes are managing just two medals out of a contingent of 118. The fact of the matter is that we are not organised in the way we prepare athletes for these events. The problem is at the root level.The things which we need to ameliorate are:
1. Awareness pertaining to sports.
2. Mentality towards sports.
3. Providing athletes world class infrastructure.
4. Abolishing politics from sports.
5. Preparing athletes mentally & physically.
6. Go forgoldspirit

Vishal Bakshy 8 years 3 months ago

Free the sports associations from the clutches of politicians. These sports bodies should only be managed by sports persons. Build infrastructure at grass roots level. Talent search for period of 4, 8, 12 and 16 yrs hence should be done now. US model or UK model rather than Chinese model will work. Involve private sector in sponsorship of these sports disciplines. Leagues currently on are step in right direction. Sports minister should be a former sports person eg RS Rathore, Kirti Azad etc

Arul M
Arul M 8 years 3 months ago

Regard Improving performance of India in Olympics.
Put the basis in place and stop ill-practice wherever it exist. Rest all our national players will succeed. For Eg: Even a highly capable sport person find the very hard to get his/her place in a team meant for any sports. Reasons all well known.

Arul M
Arul M 8 years 3 months ago

Simultaneous Elections QA.

The basis is that every rule of simultaneous elections should be etched in a way that should strength the democratic process not the other way. Unified, Combined or Onetime could be fine in place of scattered/spread out.


shubham srivastava_23
Shubham Srivastava 8 years 3 months ago

1. Development of decentralized infrastructure which reaches out to the local people and encourage them to play and be sporty.
2. Increased funding for the sports events and infrastructure.
3. A circular be sent to schools to encourage their students to be sports lover and make sure that each child involves in at least one sport event so that his all round development can be ensured.

Neeta Kelapure 8 years 3 months ago

Initially our schools are ready to encourage the students for the sports activity.school must appoint the sports teacher who has the knowledge and intrest about the sports,not only but he should have a knowledge to create the sportperson and must understand the spirit of the student.Extra classes in the school has to arrange.sports scholership should be ample.Govt can open the sports school in district level whereas the all sports activity and equipment should be provided.

Ravivaran Kumar Garg
Ravivaran Kumar Garg 8 years 3 months ago

कुछ अलोकप्रिय खेलों को प्रोत्साहन देने के लिए हम निम्न चीजें कर सकते हैं-
1: घुडसवारों और साइकिलिस्टों को पोस्टमैन और पुलिस अथवा अन्य घूमने वाली,
2: रोइंग और कैनोइंग के खिलाडियों को वाटर ट्रांसपोर्टेशन में,
3: वेटलिफ्टिंग खिलाडियों को रेलवे में कुली(समान उठाने वाला) की,
4: एथलेटिक, फाइटिंग खेलों (मुक्केबाजी,कुश्ती और टायक्वोंडो)और पारंपरिक हथियार वाले खेल के खिलाडियों को फोज और पुलिस में,
5: स्केटिंग खिलाडियों को रेलवे में,
6: स्विम्मेरों को जल सेना में नौकरी दी जानी चाहिए।

Arvind Katoch_1
Arvind Katoch 8 years 3 months ago

Politics should be stay out from sports this is necessary if we want to do some change however all the facilities provided to the players which required. The government of Every state give full intention to the all sports not only lots of talented players are disappears after representing disstrict level
The reason is that the govt has no interest and sports authourity doing as they want sportsman has not lot of money to do their practice continuing for a long time