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Improving the quality of regulation

Improving the quality of regulation
Start Date :
Jan 22, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Present regulatory systems tend to stymie the quality and growth of our institutions. What reforms are necessary in the existing regulatory agencies and their methods so as to give ...

Present regulatory systems tend to stymie the quality and growth of our institutions. What reforms are necessary in the existing regulatory agencies and their methods so as to give greater academic, administrative and financial autonomy to our institutions so as bring about quality enhancement.

Showing 408 Submission(s)
MAHULI AURANGABAD 9 years 3 months ago

विध्यार्थी उपस्थिती सक्तीची करून परीक्षेसाठी उपस्थितीची अट असावी.

Dr.Bapurao Namdevrao Barve
Dr.Bapurao Namdevrao Barve 9 years 3 months ago

Reduce the number of regulatory bodies with restructuring. Centralization and uniformity should be added d to regulatory bodies.Accountability measures like ensuring the affordability and quality of higher education as a fundamental right of human being, In terms of academic autonomy, issues like cultural terrorism, cultural hegemony, national integration, Environment development, minimum and reasonable use of technology in solving the problems of real life, must be observed seriously as a guide

Vijay Pandurang Turukmane
Vijay Pandurang Turukmane 9 years 3 months ago

All the regulatory bodies need massive restructuring to function effectively.
Accountability is more important than autonomy so transparency in administration and should be strictly enforced.
The existing regulations have proved insufficient.
The regulatory bodies should be made autonomous and accountable by restructuring.
The accreditors should have more say in periodic inspections.
Systems should be put online and videographic evidence should be accumulated for ascertaining ranks

Satya Kumar Dontamsetti 9 years 3 months ago

We have Independent Regulators for Telecom, Banking and Electricity etc but there is no Regulator for School Education, the most basic service provided by any Society. It is widely accepted that private schools are filling an important void in Education but an Independent Regulator for School Education, on the lines of Telecom and Banking, will rationalize the fees and raise the quality standards. All Children deserve to be given equal opportunity regardless of their parent's financial status