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Increasing Financial Resources for Health

Increasing Financial Resources
Start Date :
Jun 10, 2015
Last Date :
Aug 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

This discussion theme is in continuance to our first discussion titled ‘Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Performance’. To review what others have ...

This discussion theme is in continuance to our first discussion titled ‘Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Performance’. To review what others have commented on this subject earlier in the first discussion, visit our Blog.

How can we maximize health returns through increasing financial resources for Health?

Public expenditure on health at the end of the 11th Plan period was at 1.04% of GDP. Additionally, 70% of total expenditure on health is out of pocket. Studies show that out of pocket expenditure on health in India may be contributing to increase in poverty by approximately 3.6% for rural areas and 2.9% for urban areas. Public health spending in India remains among the lowest among comparable countries. It is clear that there is a need to raise more resources for health. Since spending on health need not only be through central government allocations, novel methods for raising additional funds must also be explored. Please view the detailed paper Working Paper 2/2015- Increasing Financial Resources for Health and provide your suggestions on additional methods for increasing resources for health.

Showing 75 Submission(s)
Ekant Chaudhry
Ekant Chaudhry 9 years 5 months ago

Create labor laws and financial rules to obligate profitable and high income generating companies to pay all employees a minimum monthly amount for HealthCare of the employee. It must be directly linked with a government account and can be redeemed only at registered private and public hospitals in case of hospitalization.

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 5 months ago

If Government promote Self Reliant Drugless Therapy like Urine, No extra financial resources is necessary and required target can be achieved at much lower cost.

VISHAL JAYPRAKASH TIWARI 9 years 5 months ago

dear mr Prime Minister.It is a greatest scam that every hospitals admit patients eventhough it is not required.They make extortion bills & also make huge money/commissions with the local chemist in the loop.
The poor and the lower middleclass are the hardest hit.They are left with no option but to subscribe to this falsification.Ofcourse they cannot carry the patient in sheer distress just to make a good bargain

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 5 months ago

Government must be open minded to review the Health policy and must promote all such therapies which have no financial extra burden on the Government. As for example Acupressure, Magnet, Urine, Colour, Sun-Ray etc.

Manish Baldia
Manish Baldia 9 years 5 months ago

To increase the financial resource and to deliver a better health care in each and every village, the best option would be semi-privatisation of the health care. The government can link up with private organisations to build clinics and 50-100 bedded hospitals at village and mandal level. The Govt can recruit doctors from the mandatory rural service from each state at a better salary with the financial help of private companies. See the PDF to read more....

SHANKAR_30 9 years 5 months ago

The governments at Centre as well as in the States should spend tax money only for Health, Education and building up Industries & Infrastructures. Please make the people understand that only their money collected as tax coming back to them as free beeies and subsidies after all the red tapsim & corruption. Health and Education is to sustain the people of this country and only Industries and Agriculture can provide them long and better standard of living.

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 5 months ago

In a Poor Country like India, Finance provided for Health is much more than Basic requirement due to the Government wrong Health Policy, which is totally based to fulfil interest of Modern Health Science. For detail clarifications please read Book आरोग्य आपका, स्वस्थ रहें या रोगी फैसला आपका? ,प्रभावशाली अहिंसक चिकित्सा पद्धतियाँ ,स्वास्थ्य का अमूल्य खजाना – मानव मूत्र। in our website www.chordiahealthzone.in, which will provide better solution.

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 5 months ago

No extra Finance is necessary, If Government review its Health Policy & Promote various Effective Self Reliant Drugless Therapies and do not depend only on Allopathy which doesn't fulfil even basic parameters of Good Therapy.

Chanchal MAl Chordia 9 years 5 months ago

Government must Encourage Various Public Service Agencies to Organize Training & Treatment Camps Through Effective Self Reliant Drugless Therapies and also to run such centres on regular basis.
