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Inputs on Draft National Education Policy 2016

Inputs on Draft National Education Policy 2016
Start Date :
Jun 29, 2016
Last Date :
Oct 01, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India is sharing some inputs on the Draft National Education Policy (NEP), 2016. Views and suggestions are solicited from ...

Showing 5927 Submission(s)
Ankit Saraf_3
Ankit Saraf_3 8 years 5 months ago

Dear Sir,

Please find attached our suggestions and recommendations with respect to the no-detention policy under the draft New Education Policy 2016. We present empirical evidence countering the claims made against the no-detention policy provision under the RTE Act.

Ankit Saraf and Ketan Deshmukh
Doctoral Students,
IIM Ahmedabad

VISHNU V 8 years 5 months ago

#National Education Policy
I am interested in research into the topic Neo Education System for India that could transform our nation from the current status and to develop into a global power house in Education,Business,Skill and Manufacturing centre.Education has a vital role in shaping the vision of our PM Narendra Modi and if the loop holes of our Educational system is plugged then it can bring a significant change in our Nation.

Krishan Kumar Chugh 8 years 5 months ago

The most important part must be that the teachers should be given the teaching work only which is not possible till the ministerial staff is there in the schools. The same is possible only when separate cadre of ministerial staff is allowed to education department. Presently NO LDC/UDC/SUPDTT wants to work in schools and they take postings in the schools when they are near retirement and have earned in other lucrative deptt. Sales/ Income Tax etc.

Srikanth Meesa 8 years 5 months ago

Swami Vivekananda said "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in men". In order to that I have the following suggestions :
Most of the education is rote learning where there is no practical understanding of the learnt subjects. For example : Science and mathematics:The current education system doesn't encourage the students to apply the scientific learnings instead marks and grades are the criteria to get the recognition.Hence, the practical application of education is paramount.

BS Ramanjaneyulu 8 years 5 months ago

Identifying the Knowledged:
Government (or) reputed bodies, may consider to conduct various examinations from time-to-time, that can test the knowledge levels of its takers in the given subject(s). The result of the examinations can be certifications with grades offered based on the performance. These certifications should help the institutions to identify the talented teachers who can be recruited by their institution (private). They can be used to offer incentives to existing teachers also.

BS Ramanjaneyulu 8 years 5 months ago

Remedial Coaching through ICT based content:
We know that all the students are not at the same level. Some of them may need remedial classes. Instead of conventional method, this can be done with ICT based methods. In addition to repeating it one more time, the concept can even be explained by taking a different example (or) even discussing a few basics behind it.

Rajesh Timane 8 years 5 months ago

1) Ability to deliver holistic and man-making education should be given more rating in accreditating assured quality and selecting teachers
2) Multidisciplinary curriculum and periodic multiple evaluations instead of one time exam of reproducing content will make student proficient in life skills
3) Employable skills, entrepreneurial skills, average salary in placements and transition in higher level of education should be highly rated parameters to rate colleges or institutions