Manodarpan: Inviting ideas to combat Psycho-social stress on School and College Students, Teachers and Parents due to COVID-19 pandemic

Start Date :
Jul 21, 2020
Last Date :
Aug 21, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The outbreak of the global pandemic COVID -19 presents a challenging time for everyone around the world. Not only is this pandemic a serious medical concern, but it also brings ...

The outbreak of the global pandemic COVID -19 presents a challenging time for everyone around the world. Not only is this pandemic a serious medical concern, but it also brings mixed emotions and psycho-social stressors for all. There are emerging mental health concerns with specific focus on Children, Adolescents and Youth as they more vulnerable to heightened level of stress, anxiety and fearfulness, along with a range of other emotional and behavioral issues. COVID-19 has also brought new stressors on Teachers and Parents hampering their capacity to provide positive support to their wards. While it is important to focus on continuing education on the academic front, we must give equal importance to the mental health and well-being of the students.

Manodarpan, an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, under the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, aims at mobilizing psycho-social support to help Children, Youth, Teachers and Parents country-wide in a comprehensive and multimodal manner during conditions like COVID-19 and after. For more information, please visit

MyGov in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, hereby invites citizens to share ideas and inputs to combat the psycho-social stress on School & College Students, Teachers and Parents, caused due to COVID-19 pandemic. Selected comments may be featured on social media.

Last date of sending us your inputs is 21st August 2020

Showing 3814 Submission(s) 4 years 1 month ago

अगर जनता हिम्मत हार गई तो फिर समस्या से निपटना मुश्किल हो जाएगा। कब तक work from home चलता रहेगा। एक न एक दिन तो offices खोलना होगा। घरों में बंद बच्चे कब तक on-line क्लासेज अटेंड करते रहेंगे। क्या खेलना कूदना सब भूलना होगा? बिना रोजगार और बिना आमदनी कब तक और कैसे मजदूर और आम आदमी घर चलाएंगे। अब या तो सरकार एक बार कुछ दिनों के लिए फिर से पूर्ण लाकडाउन लगा कर स्थिति को नियंत्रित करने का प्रयास करे या सब कुछ खोल दे। जो होगी देखी जाएगी 4 years 1 month ago

कोरोना का डर अंदर तक बैठ गया है। एक तरफ बढ़ती हुई संक्रमितो की संख्या और दूसरी तरफ सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर कुछ लोगों द्वारा मास्क न पहनें और सोशल डिस्टेन्स के नियमों की अवहेलना देख कर निराशा होती है कि अगर इसी तरह चलता रहा तो कैसे कोरोना से निपट पाएंगे।

Dr Ratna Srivastava
Dr Ratna Srivastava 4 years 1 month ago

जैसे बचपन में जीते थे वैसे ही घर में रहना पड़ेगा। छोटे बच्चों को ऑन लाइन पढ़ाने के लिए led लगाया जाय। उस पर कार्टून एनीमेशन, कहानी के माध्यम से पढ़ाया जाय। शिक्षकों की डयूटी 20 बच्चों पर लगा दिया जाय। नेट मजबूत किया जाय।

Dr Ratna Srivastava
Dr Ratna Srivastava 4 years 1 month ago

बच्चों के साथ खेलना,बच्चा बनना पड़ेगा, स्वस्थ बहस, हंसी, खेलना बहुत जरूरी है। खाना पकाना भी तरह तरह से करें। फोनिक बातें, बालकनी से बातें, हाल चाल ले लिया करें।

Anurag Kumar Jha_8
Anurag Kumar Jha 4 years 1 month ago

In the world, there belong many languages that we wants to learn and try to understand. But nobody knows one language that is him/her mother language, please try to learn your regional language............


Mayuri Sandeep jadhav
Mayuri jadhav 4 years 1 month ago

We can make inspirational e-book of stories where the 1 page available for one story of fighter and within whole e-book we can understand the importance of things which is useful and
Can take inspiration and one memory to whole fighters