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Regulation of Drugs, Food and Medical Practice

Start Date :
Jun 10, 2015
Last Date :
Aug 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
This discussion theme is in continuance to our first discussion titled ‘Health System in India: Bridging the Gap between Potential and Performance’. To review what others have ...
A nation-wide medicine prescription system can control this problem
#Drugs, #Food, #Medical Practice, #NITIAayog, #MyGov, #Health Dear Modi ji, Stray dogs are the biggest threat to human life now. Mad dogs are the worst threat to children and old men. The vaccine companies protect only the interest of dogs inorder to increase their sales. They files cases, whenever the government tries to control the population of dogs. There should be strict laws for the control of excessive population of such animals.
First of all, we have to strictly implement The Food Safety and Standards Act. Many big food businessmen specially related to milk/ milk products like sweets, curd, ice cream, kulfi, Lassi etc. are producing and selling unhealthy food items and there is no check by the food department. Food officers regularly get their HAFTA from these big businessmen and never visit them for sampling, Only a few who fail to bribe them either in cash or kind become their victims.
My contribution to have a scalable medical practice and helathcare
Govt should allocate funds to private research center to develop medicine for existing diseases with complete transparency.Once medicine got developed medicines should be produced only in govt factories with diff private mgmt.By doing this govt encouraging private industries,in all levels at the same time preventing private players to loot & exploit human beings for their profits.since research & production are done by diff players.Use think tank to evolve best practices & for pricing medicines.
All govt & private doctors should have a online data space in govt website where they should enter patient history,visit,diagnosis,diseases,given treatments.So they are become totally transparent.All tablets should have labels printed on medical shops with date of purchase.All doctors should give printed prescription to avoid scribbling & also for records.All clinics should have cctv to store 1 month of patient visit data.All govt dr can scrutinize or raise questions about treatment given.
Govt should use RAW to keep eye on big foreign private medicine research companies.Entire world they are using for generating revenue by introducing new diseases & giving medicine for it.It should be become a big discussion in UN to keep strict watch on all Medicine research center.At least production & sales of medicines should be done by respective govt so private wouldn't do any evil to increase profits.All research should be transparent to public or at least to govt & UN agencies.
Medicines and Medical practice is one of the biggest business globally. All is not well in India as far as public health is concerned. Both medicines and medical treatment has gone out of reach of common man. Public health system has collapsed and private sector has taken over this sector as a money spinning business. Not only there is a need to regulate the cost but also the supply of live saving drugs. Government needs to take urgent steps to take health service to every door step.
nice move by government to force doctors to write generic medicine name with brand name so we can get generic version in much lower cost. I real appreciate once it comes as law.
The medical proffession has become commercial ..it should be service.Not trade....
Today if i go to hoslital i feels that i am delibreately getting cheated and i dnt have
any option .......