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Seeking Comments of Stakeholders on Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020

Seeking Comments of Stakeholders on Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020
Start Date :
May 19, 2020
Last Date :
Jun 05, 2020
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Ministry of Power has identified few key amendments in the Electricity Act 2003 to address immediate requirements of the electricity sector. Accordingly, draft proposal has been ...

Ministry of Power has identified few key amendments in the Electricity Act 2003 to address immediate requirements of the electricity sector. Accordingly, draft proposal has been circulated on 17.04.2020 in the form of draft Electricity Act (Amendment) Bill 2020 and stakeholders comments sought till 5th June 2020.

1. Establishment of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority under retired Judge of the High Court for ensuring performance of the contract. The Authority shall have all the powers of a civil court including but limited to powers of attachment and sale of property, arrest and detention in prison and appointment of a receiver. This will ensure faster disposal of adjudicating matters regarding performance of obligations under a contract related to sale, purchase or transmission of electricity.

2. Determination of Cost reflective Tariff for ensuring viability of Electricity Distribution companies (Discoms). the Appropriate Commission to fix tariff for retail sale of electricity without accounting for subsidy; The subsidy, as declared and provided by the State Governments, will be given directly by the government to the consumers clearly reflecting in their bill;

3. Distribution sub licensees: Distribution Licensee may authorise another person, as a sub-license to supply electricity in any particular part of its area of supply, with the permission of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission. This will enable the sub licensee to serve the consumers with full responsibility and due diligence. The distribution licensee will now have the choice to opt for either sub-licensee model or franchisee model. This proposal will bring investment in the distribution sector, ensure regulatory oversight and protect the interests of consumers.

4. Establishment of adequate Payment Security Mechanism : Proposed to empower Load Dispatch Centres to oversee the establishment of adequate payment security mechanism before scheduling dispatch of electricity, as per contracts.

5. Strengthening of the Appellate Tribunal (APTEL): It is proposed to increase its strength of Members, apart from the Chairperson, to at least seven to facilitate quick disposal of cases; also to enhance the powers by assigning power equivalent to High Court under the provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act. With increased strength of members, now APTEL benches can also sit in a place other than Delhi as per the requirement of the case and for easy access to the state.

6. Proposal for Single Selection Committee for giving recommendations for appointments of chairperson and members in central as well as state regulatory commissions for uniformity in selection. The Selection Committee shall be headed by the Judge of Supreme Court .Appointments shall continue to be done by respective Governments.

7. National Renewable Energy Policy: It is proposed to have a separate policy for the development and promotion of generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy.

8. Hydro Power Purchase Obligations (HPO): a minimum percentage of purchase of electricity from hydro sources of energy is to be specified by the State Commissions. Hydro Power purchase Obligations shall be separate part of non solar based Renewable Purchase Obligations.

9. Enforcement of Renewable purchase obligations by levy penalties for non-fulfilment of obligation to buy electricity from renewable and/or hydro sources of energy.

10. Provisions related to Cross border trade in Electricity have been added to facilitate and develop trade in electricity with other countries.

Click here to read the draft bill.

Last date of submission is 5th June,2020.

Showing 1549 Submission(s)
Sanat Kumar Sahu_11
Sanat Kumar Sahu 4 years 8 months ago

one nation one trafic bill jisme gharelu upbhokta rural areas ko fayda mile. solar energy habb ka gatan ho unka sanchalan rural area par ho jaha bijali nahi hai. tranfarmer kharab hone par 1hours
me samadan ho nahi to company par jurmana lagaya jaye. bijali band hone par bhi kiya jaye. kyo ki upbhokta par trafic ka bojha dal diya jata hai garib log bill pay nahi kar pate hai.

Balakrishna Bhat 4 years 8 months ago

When it comes to power we should not once again try to compare costs in USA etc and multiply their prices by the rediculous and malicious destructive exchange rates but be truly sensitive to the costs and needs here . If not the committee would usually try to maximize profits for the companies and only become the tool for fleecing the common man. Because there is hardly any competition it is imperative for the law to be clear and more importantly for the members to be clear headed.

Balakrishna Bhat 4 years 8 months ago

Subsidy on solar power should also be given in the form of DBT for the roof top and other producers of such a clean infinite inexhaustible energy. Transmission losses are also low when such a power is used very close its place of production. So ina way solar power deserves subsidy on multiple grounds. Installation and grid line connection should made hassle free as part of this draft changes in the law

Aravind PR
Aravind PR 4 years 8 months ago

All streets light must be solar based and maintenance responsiblility can be given to panchayat and RWA byproviding grants and necessary help.
Marketingof electricity invaiious regions. So we should focus on this issue.

DINESH CHANDRA Dhyani 4 years 8 months ago

All highway lights must be solar based in such as fashion that after five solar lights there will be a regular light so that in rainy season when battery charging problem traffic must not be affected and maintenance will be done by open tender and money can come from electric cess on toll tax

SATYA PRAKASH TRIPATHI 4 years 8 months ago

माननीय ऊर्जा मंत्री जी बिजली कर्मी अपनी जान जोखिम में डालकर कार्य करते है ।आज भी विद्युत कर्मी साइकिल पर लकड़ी की सीढ़ियां लिये दिन भर मेहनत करते है।न तो उनके पास सुरक्षित दस्ताने होते है न ही आने जाने का साधन।सर जो भी निजी क्षेत्र की विद्युत कम्पनियां आ रही उनसे इस विषय पर चर्चा अवश्य करें।

Dolphy Dmello
Dolphy Dmello 4 years 8 months ago

Now this pandemic virus causing a very deep trouble. So we try to build or convert old buildings to be future Emergency hospital.
Medicines and food to be sufficient in the so called recovery hospital.
We make use of mobile treating service in future.
We make sure our health and medical facilities to be useful beyond 2050.
In future we may face health and natural calamities .we build solid foundation to get rid of all problems with our own strength.
Heath app make as essential

Pooja_prashant mali
Pooja prashant mali 4 years 8 months ago

आदरणीय सर. कृपया इस NISARAGA CYCLONEके वजह से जो रायगड मै ELECTRICITY का बडा नुकसान हुआ है. घरोमे बिजली नही है. ALIBAG मै 40 ELECTRICITY POLE गिरे है. PLEASE DO NEEDFUL. बिना फोन लोग कैसे EMERGENCY पर AMBULANCE OR POLICE को फोन लगाऐ. छोटी छोटी BUSINESS DEPEND ON ELECTIRICITY.???