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Seeking comments on TRAI’s Consultation Paper on Compensation to the Consumers in the Event of Dropped Calls

Seeking comments on TRAI’s Consultation Paper on Compensation to the Consumers in the Event of Dropped Calls
Start Date :
Sep 09, 2015
Last Date :
Sep 22, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

In the past one year, consumers, at various fora, have raised the issue of call drops, complaining that their experience of making voice calls has deteriorated. In order to assess ...

In the past one year, consumers, at various fora, have raised the issue of call drops, complaining that their experience of making voice calls has deteriorated. In order to assess the problem, TRAI, in the months of June/ July, 2015, conducted special drive-tests on certain routes of Mumbai and Delhi, in which, it was found that Call Drop Rates of most of the telecom service providers (TSPs) were higher than the permissible limit of ≤2% set by the Authority. TRAI has prescribed financial disincentives on TSPs for failure to meet the quality of service benchmarks (including call drop).

TRAI is of the view that the problem of call drops needs to be examined in its entirety and requires adoption of a multi-pronged approach. It is also considering to make it mandatory for the TSPs to make periodic disclosures about (i) their network capacities and (ii) the steps taken to optimize their networks to address the problem of call drops. On the lines of drive tests undertaken in the cities of Mumbai and Delhi in June/July, 2015, the Authority would be conducting such drive tests across various cities in the country. While several steps are being contemplated, the Authority cannot remain a silent spectator to the problem of call drops encountered by the consumers.

In this background, TRAI has issued a consultation paper and has solicited comments with appropriate justification on the following issues:

Q1: Do you agree that calling consumers should not be charged for a call that got dropped within five seconds? In addition, if the call gets dropped any time after five seconds, the last pulse of the call (minute/second) which got dropped, should not be charged. Please support your viewpoint with reasons along with the methodologies for implementation.

Q2: Do you agree that calling consumer should also be compensated for call drops by the access service providers? If yes, which of the following methods would be appropriate for compensating the consumers upon call drop?

(i) Credit of talk-time in minutes/ seconds
(ii) Credit of talk-time in monetary terms
(iii) Any other method you may like to suggest.

Please support your viewpoint with reasons along with the methodologies for implementation.

Q3: If the answer to the Q2 is in the affirmative, suggest conditions/limits, if any, which should be imposed upon the provision of crediting talk-time upon call drop and usage thereof.

Q4: Is there any other relevant issue which should be considered in the present consultation on the issue of call drops?

Through this forum of My Gov, TRAI invites the comments of stakeholders on the above issues by 21st September, 2015.

Consultation Paper on Call Drops

Press Release regarding Consultation Paper on Call Drops

Showing 508 Submission(s)
Prashantha Shankar narayan
Prashantha Shankar narayan 9 years 3 months ago

Sir, I feel the telco or trai need to visit western or developed countries and study their mobile network. There we do not see mobile towers & no signal drops. Lets implement safe and secure mobile networks. Regarding call drops customer need to be paid double amount or talk time if there is call drop. If telco cannot provide better service then why are they selling new connections without enhancing infrastructure.

NITISH MANDAL 9 years 3 months ago

Yes I am agree with compensation for call drops.In West Bengal,call drops problem is terrible though signal strength shows strong.Service provider may provide compensation through credit of talktime in monetary terms.

Siddhartha Sankar Misra
Siddhartha Sankar Misra 9 years 3 months ago

Sir I think the problem should be solved at root level. We are interested to use mobile network but opposing mobile tower. In this circumstances Govt may take a de-cession so that top of Govt building may be permitted establishing mobile tower on rent basis to private company/BSNL. Then the problem will be solved and extra revenue will also be earned.

Vinay_105 9 years 3 months ago

Thrsr big companies are taking money our poor illiterate people who dont know how to operate mobile when call is dropped it should not be charged this is very bad.for high society its not a very big thing but for common man it is very frustrating and very large money consuming on monthly basis this companies think most of Indians are fool they are taking advantage of this.

ASHVIN TREASURER 9 years 3 months ago

Answer 1: Within a minute of the call drop, the next call within a minute should continue in the last minute. with the same called no. on the second call drop, the whole of the call must not be charged at all.
Answer 2: As in USA every TSP must mark on a Google Map, a colour coded map of signal strength in the area travelled by the customer. The signal strength shown on the mobile phone must show minimum clear voice quality as 1 bar, 2G Data as 2 bars, 3G as 3 bars, and 4g as 4 bars.

Ruma Shukla 9 years 3 months ago

Telecom being the backbone of the programs of Digital India and Smart City, this is definitely a welcome move. Leave aside the Call dropping in remote/rural areas, it is very much a problem in NCR. In Vasundhara pocket of Ghaziabad Reliance network is very poor and call drop is frequent and irritating. Yes the measures mentioned by TRAI shall be adopted, for compensation to the consumers in the event of call drop, only way to nail the telecom giants.

parkhe 9 years 3 months ago

I wonder why NDA follows the same line as UPA. For UPA - Reforms meant providing Old Age Home support to favorite retired babus, judges and others as Regulators/ Governors and other positions of profit. TRAI by NDA standards should have been revamped just as it did and formed NITI AAYOG.
This is unfortunately, a regulator which is far far removed from the general public and does not cater to public grievances. The DND related complaints are the only ones they take and dispose unsatisfactorily.