Share innovative ideas on circular economy in E-waste

Innovative ideas on circular economy in E-waste
Start Date :
Feb 01, 2022
Last Date :
Feb 15, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Innovative ideas on circular economy in E-waste ...

Innovative ideas on circular economy in E-waste

Today, electronic waste poses a significant challenge for society. With the introduction of innovative features and up-gradation, people are changing their devices by discarding the old ones, thereby contributing to the generation of electronic waste significantly.

Replacing the linear systems with circular in electrical and electronic equipment intends to maximize value at each life-cycle stage by reusing, repairing, recovering remanufacturing, regenerating products and material.

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) observes Swachhata Pakhwada 2022 from 1st February 2022 to 15th February 2022 promoting ‘E-waste se Raksha- Swachhata hi Suraksha’. Citizens are invited to share their innovative ideas on how circular economy practices can help in sustainable and efficient E-waste Management.

The best entries from the citizens will be identified by the Ministry and will be featured on the MyGov page.

The last date to receive suggestions is 15th February 2022.

Showing 862 Submission(s)
Dr N K Yadav 2 years 9 months ago

Many Govt organisations auctions computer and accessories as its old and outdated for them but still they are not for common men and school children. Govt could make a procedure to get it from them and provide it with refurbishing to schools who can’t afford money to buy them. This will help economy and education both.

Nagendra vankam
Nagendra vankam 2 years 9 months ago

1) people are buying electronic goods at high prices. but when they try to sell them as scrap they are getting nothing. and also there is no e-waste buying scrap market.
2) declare one e-waste management policy and give permission and incentives to M.S.M.E companies for establishing e-waste recycling plants.
3) give authorization to local electronic sellers to buy those e-waste.
4) Ask donation from public any unused mobiles, laptops etc and repair those things and give them to poor needy students. give authorization to post office for collecting those donations.
5) give assurance to people that before using those components in another device "all their personal data will be deleted which is there in those components

AditiChakrabortty 2 years 9 months ago

e waste a huge problem in world.
old device are more durable if u repair it. do not buy a new one. waste money and polite also our environment. ur best pen how u keep it as ur device just repair and reuse.
govt investing money such company which can recover e waste material collected proper way form river bank, drain road side etc.
collected-removed-sorted before shredded-separated different components like plastic and metals.
70%can recycled as repairable parts & rest are used for other purposes like construction materials or generating energy.
every company product should confirm as it is easy repairable and own department which is more affordable to repair tablet phones so people do not buy easily new one.
wasting precious material indium silver tantalum arsenic gallium as used batteries parts which diminished in earth after certain time .so it needs recovery from old wasting products.
focusing lithium ion batteries they aren't easy take out but reuse and repair not waste.

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

Equality-we cn simplify it this term is not so complicated it seems or we don't want 2see it
yet law has given all freedoms &rights
why people r so confuse solution is there
but searching 4solution r trying 2creat more confusions
if u observed that individuals r within equality
we just have 2 manage it
how I told E- by ¹time zone²age wise³social circumstances cause such a current situation of society gonna huge changes-technology more skill/intellectuas so we can't go what previous in past situation were & afford by future by pre-
cause somehow area of law can't be or all predictable change brings only current society
or add that nxt 2-up2-4-10yrs we cn add that
diffirenciate by social conditions will may remain same 4few yrs so by human phases
distrubate it eg-18yrs education/sports field then 2job wise but on skill/merit then marriage/social already law secure it
so the maximum criteria of human individual/social set then cn simply go 4solution just proper run/use..

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 9 months ago

Equality-law has secured your freedom&rights
still said E-r complicated why in real sense whether we didn't understand or has it been created eg-हमे E लेनी नहीं देनी है what get from outside is information&what you give from inside-human intellectual/skill/strength is knowledge so thought came 2mind that if u see history of E-is hirarchy but now in modern era 2get all benifit of term E if use it by
¹age wise²social opportunity³in time period
&I think most reflect in education&job
others cn be manage also(gender/social ets)
chance will get fairely but how will survive by its own strength sameness in action but as well as need equally unique-education up2-14 r free then job will get by its skill& obvious whoes skill/hardwork r more benifits 2society every1 will get opportunity but action will differ
who got job on 80% than 2by 60% person
eg-money r same everywhere but in use by different name_employer it's salary,in sch-fees
in court-fines then-loan/debt/wages
E simply use ..

LEENA WALAWALKAR 2 years 9 months ago

We will have to minimize the E-waste by Reuse, Reduce, Repair, Recycle and Rethink. Change light bulbs to LED, Plug large power electronics into a smart power strip, zero waste Reduce single use plastic and hazardous materials. Use reusable alternatives, use non-toxic or less toxic substances. To reach net zero, emissions from homes, transport, agriculture and industry will need to be cut. Thus, creating zero-emission societies require combination of green energy solutions by reducing our consumption using cleaner form of energy and rethinking the way we live, work and move to better one and the creation of sustainable future will come into existence.
ARUN KUMAR GUPTA 2 years 9 months ago

When we say complete circle of circular economy then it means we do not waste anything. Whatever material is used in making a product is recycled and reused.
But is 100% circularity possible?
We have been recycling paper since ages. Still world has not achieved 100% recycling of paper. A lot of efforts is being put to maximize the recycling of plastics. Yet plastic pollution has reached to oceans.
Now, it is to be seen how much circularity we achieve in case of e-waste.
There is always a possibility to improve whatever we do.
There is PDCA cycle in every process with provision for continual improvements.

DineshKumar 2 years 9 months ago

नमस्कार प्रधानमंत्री जी अगर कोई व्यक्ति 100000 या उससे अधिक लोगों को रोजगार देने की योजना बताएं उसे केवीसी जीतना चाहिए। अगर प्रधानमंत्री जी यह कह देते हैं तो जो काम 70 सालों में नहीं हुआ वह इन 7 सालों में हुआ और जो काम आने वाले 70 सालों में होगा वह काम हम आने वाले 7 सालों में ही कर देंगे। प्रधानमंत्री जी मैं अपने देश को अपने जीवन काल में विकसित देखना चाहता हूं। कृपया इस विषय पर विचार करें धन्यवाद

kunal kishore_11
kunal kishore 2 years 9 months ago

Electronic waste is a big challenge for our country.A system should be adopted.
1 Recycling is a best way to manage electronic waste .
2 Green technology is a way to control over electronic waste.
3 Replace plastic product in other sustitute for control over electronic waste.
4 Multiple use of one product is a way to Control over e waste
5 A tax has been imposed for disposal for electronic product.