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Smart City Dindigul

Smart City Dindigul
Start Date :
Sep 22, 2015
Last Date :
Dec 03, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Dindigul City is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu famous for its traditional lock manufacturing industry. The City has been shortlisted by Ministry of Urban Development as ...

Dindigul City is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu famous for its traditional lock manufacturing industry. The City has been shortlisted by Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities in India. The City covers an area of 14.01 sq.km and divided into 48 wards with the population of 2,07,225. Dindigul Municipal Corporation is preparing the Smart City Proposal that will provide smart solutions to the urban infrastructure issues. In order to prepare the Smart City Proposal, the citizens of Dindigul City and other citizens are requested to post their views & opinion, how the services being provided by Dindigul Corporation pertaining to city’s basic infrastructure such as water supply, sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Storm Water Drainage, Housing, amenities related to recreational activities and Non-Motorized Transport, Security etc. It is essential to frame the Vision of Dindigul City and to get shortlisted in the Smart City Challenge where 20 cities would be selected in the first year.

Let’s Join together in making Dindigul as a Smart City.

Please provide your suggestions and feedback latest by 2nd December, 2015.

Showing 191 Submission(s)
shanthi_7 9 years 5 months ago

1.Water supply required 24X7 2.Road should be maintained in good condition 3.Sufficient sewerage to be maintained with the help of private sector. 4.Solar power facility to be provided for all the public purpose buildings.5.UGSS facility should be provided for all the areas 6.Mosquito free city needed for all. 7. Staff quarters required for all the Corporation staff. 8.Dinning hall and rest room for men and women in office permises.

sebastin_2 9 years 5 months ago

1.New air port required for frequently access the other parts of india 2. New bus stand required it should be out side the town 3. New ring road required around the city

sweda ragavan
sweda ragavan 9 years 5 months ago

1.Separate park for Hand loom just like IT park 2.Medical College required 3.Encroachment free city is required 4.Fly over required for traffic free dindigul 5.Desilting of Arnanmanai Kulam 6.University is required for higher education

jessi 9 years 5 months ago

1) The supply of water should be twice in a week
2) To maintain clean in slum areas
3) Make necessary arrangements for the collection of Rain water
4) To arrange Daily collection of Wastages
5) The streets should be broad for the convenience of traffic, so as to avoid accidents
6) Amusement parks should be open for the Recreation of children
7) Wine shops should be in the outer area that is out of the city limit
8) Government should run Two wheeler Stand, Super Market, Medical shop

lalitha_3 9 years 5 months ago

1.Traffic free city required 2.Separate road for motor cyclist 3.24X7 Water supply required 4.Sanitation should be maintained in good condition 5.Online services for all the activities of the Corporation.

MANIKANDAN_93 9 years 5 months ago

1.Swimming pool for all children 2.Theme park 3.Foot path 4.Bus stand should be maintained in good condition especially for sanitation.5.Shopping mall should be constructed by the Corporation authorities.6.Marriage hall

Karthikeyan Bhaskaran 9 years 5 months ago

..Contd-1.. bus stand, whereas Trichy Via Chennai, Karur, Palani, Coimbatore, Madurai, Kodaikanal,Kambam-Theni via Kerala can be placed at Raja Lake and Poramboke land surrounding it which is now using as tent of illegal activities. It can be used in a prosperous and efficient way and lot of traffic jam can be prevented, time and fuel expenses can be saved mutually for concern of local citizens and government transits and as well as the city limit expands is an benefit, amenities should..Contd-2