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Smart City Shillong

Smart City Shillong
Start Date :
Oct 29, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Shillong is the beautiful hill town situated in Meghalaya, also known as the Scotland of the east, is among the 100 cities shortlisted to participate in Smart City Challenge. The ...

Shillong is the beautiful hill town situated in Meghalaya, also known as the Scotland of the east, is among the 100 cities shortlisted to participate in Smart City Challenge. The City Corporation requests all those who consider Shillong as their home and are interested in its development to join us in this journey to make Shillong a smart city by providing us with your valuable suggestions on areas demanding improvement and potential solutions.

The areas of improvement may focus on civic services such

1. Citizen Participation
2. Intelligent government services
3. Identity and culture
4. Energy supply
5. Economy and employment
6. Energy source
7. Education
8. Water supply
9. Health
10. Waste water management
11. Mixed land Use
12. Water quality
13. Compactness
14. Air quality
15. Open spaces
16. Energy efficiency
17. Housing and inclusiveness
18. Underground electric wiring
19. Transportation & Mobility
20. Sanitation
21. Walkability
22. Waste management
23. IT connectivity
24. Safety
25. Any other suggestion which would be exclusive to the city

We strongly believe that development must be citizen driven and here is an opportunity for you to make the difference in your society.

Kindly share your Vision for Smart Shillong City in this discussion forum.

You can also contact through:

Twitter : smartcityshillong @umeghalaya
Facebook page :www.facebook.com/smartcityshillong Meghalaya

Kindly, post your views and ideas till 10th November, 2015.

Showing 479 Submission(s)
abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

Dear Sir, their is a major issue in this city. 1. Government Hospital conditions are very bad. So wants to upgrade it, 10 Yrs future. 2. Road Jam is a very big issue. their are a lots of Space but some points has JAM is a big problem.

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

Dear Sir, their is a major issue in this city. 1. Government Hospital conditions are very bad. So wants to upgrade it, 10 Yrs future. 2. Road Jam is a very big issue. their are a lots of Space but some points has JAM is a big problem.

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

darasal me mai student hu aur jaha tak mera sujhao rhega hamari mananiya mamta pandey ji se ki vo hamare liye mtalb student ke liye ROAD KE KINARE KINARE CHALNE KE LIYE FOOTPATH BANBAYE.....JISSE STUDENTS KO BRSAAT ME PARESHANIYO KA SAMNA NA KRNA PADE....THANKSSSS

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

A smart city shall be smart, only when its citizens will act smartly. I have a humble submission, as attached, captioned “A Smart City of My Dreams” - Introduction of smart cards for the smart citizens. For you please.

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

We all know varansi is beautiful n attracts tourists but at the same time..unclean streets and ghats makes a very unpleasant scene for all..so proper techniques and ways should be adapted for proper waste management.. Which not only requires government concern but also..people's active participation

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

1-सड़कों का चौड़ीकरन एवं गड्ढा मुक्त 2- सफाई व कूड़ा प्रबंधन की समुचित वयवस्था। 3-यातायात के सुगम साधन। 4-सुरक्षा व्यवस्था । 5-रोड लाइट । 6- आम जनता के लिए पेय जल व शौचालय । 6-पर्यटक व तीर्थ स्थलो पर दर्शन की समुचित व्यवस्था । 7- पर्यटको के ठहरने की व्यवस्था । 8-मेले आदि के आयोजन के समय भीड़ को नियंत्रित करने की व्यवस्था। 9-पढ़ाई व चिकित्सा की विशिष्ट व्यवस्था । 10- शहर मे आने जाने वाले लिंक रोड भी अच्छी हो। 11-गंगा घाट को सभी प्रकार से सुसज्जित किया जाय । 12-शहर मे छुट्टा जानवरो पर रोक लगे।

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

We all know varansi is beautiful n attracts tourists but at the same time..unclean streets and ghats makes a very unpleasant scene for all..so proper techniques and ways should be adapted for proper waste management.. Which not only requires government concern but also..people's active participation

abdul majid khan_1
abdul majid khan_1 9 years 4 months ago

Tribals and lower class people earn their livelihoods by gathering waste polythene and metal pieces all day and selĺing it. They are alrady working towards clean india mission if the government gives them the job of cleaning kashi then they will also find a job and government's clean india mission might also become a success