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Suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy

Start Date :
Feb 07, 2019
Last Date :
Feb 20, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, invites comments/suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy, from the stakeholders in the ...

Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, invites comments/suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy, from the stakeholders in the logistics sector and from the public, on various aspects of the policy. The draft policy document can be accessed on the official website of Department of Commerce (URL: www.commerce.gov.in).

Comments and suggestions may be sent electronically at email address draftloqpolicy@qmail.com, or in the comment box MyGov portal, latest by 19th February,2019 to the office of Logistics Division (preferably in .doc word format).

While giving suggestions the proponent may please give the references of tire pertinent paragraph(s) of the draft policy.

Click here to read Draft National Logistics Policy

Showing 108 Submission(s)
Tanmoy Kumar Bharati 6 years 2 weeks ago

Will you cross LOC ? I don't want to say that 56 inch has become 5+6= 11 inch. What General says? I am serious citizen. Don't be worried about nuke. Cowards can't use Nuke. It should divide into four parts. END for ever. I shall not leave Kolkata till the end of Nuke war,if it really happens. What will you do?

Amit Mittal 6 years 2 weeks ago

Dear Sir,

In reference to your published draft policy on National Logistics, we 'Association of Warehouse Developers' are pleased to submit our comments and suggestions. The same are attached in this mail, PDF as well as DOC format.

Kindly acknowledge and let us know if for further necessary.

Kind Regards,
Amit Mittal
Founder Director and Exec. Committee Member
Association of Warehouse Developers
(A non-profit registered u/s 8 of the Companies Act)

Harpalsinh jadeja_3
Harpalsinh jadeja 6 years 2 weeks ago

Dear Sir,
This is in reference to the Draft National Logistic Policy published by the Ministry of
Commerce on 5th Feb 2019 and the letter of director logistic inviting comment /suggestion on the
said Policy.
We would like to submit our inputs/suggestion/comments for your kind perusal.

Ashish D_1
Ashish D 6 years 2 weeks ago

YESTERDAY WE HAVE CONVERTED DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE TO DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE. It will be really great initiative. For logistics Railway department surely facing problem of running electrical locomotive in non electric zone. so we have to develop an loco which can hybrid. we can design the locomotive which should run on Diesel as well as electric power. We can use disel generator to generate power to run electric motor and same motor we can run by overhead supply. Hence we can not only save time.