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Suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy

Start Date :
Feb 07, 2019
Last Date :
Feb 20, 2019
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, invites comments/suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy, from the stakeholders in the ...

Logistics Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, invites comments/suggestions on the Draft National Logistics Policy, from the stakeholders in the logistics sector and from the public, on various aspects of the policy. The draft policy document can be accessed on the official website of Department of Commerce (URL: www.commerce.gov.in).

Comments and suggestions may be sent electronically at email address draftloqpolicy@qmail.com, or in the comment box MyGov portal, latest by 19th February,2019 to the office of Logistics Division (preferably in .doc word format).

While giving suggestions the proponent may please give the references of tire pertinent paragraph(s) of the draft policy.

Click here to read Draft National Logistics Policy

Showing 108 Submission(s)
Prakash Rohera 6 years 2 weeks ago

माननीय modisahab, मिडिया याने टीवी चैनल वाले समाचारो में हमारी सेना की कारवाई जो कश्मीर में और पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ की जा रही है वह बता रहे हे।ये हमारी सेना की मुश्किलें बढ़ाने का काम हो रहा है।और जो गद्दार देश के भीतर होंन्गे उन्हें पूरी जानकारी चेनलो से मिल रही है।कृपया करके यह सब बंध करवाये।तो हमारी सेना की बड़ी मदद होगी।
हमारी शुभ कामना आप के साथ हे।

GURUPRASAD M DESHMUKH 6 years 2 weeks ago

Honorable Prime Minister
Sir, I am Abhijit Deshmukh and admire you. I request you to please put restriction on media as they are discussing openly on how to attack Pakistan after the Pulwama attack. They are showing how much armament/weapons we are having. This gives Pakistan and Traitors many ideas. I am a small man , this is my suggestion as I love my Bharat Mata as you do.
Sir, I plead to kindly stop this immediately.

Thanking you Sir
Patriot Indian

Tanmoy Kumar Bharati 6 years 2 weeks ago

44 number is a matter of politics. Some body promised for a chilly chicken dinner. But next day
that dinner has converted to simple egg soup. Shame on you and Indians.

RAMA RANI 6 years 2 weeks ago

परम आदरणीय प्रधान मंत्री जी मैं केंद्रीय विद्यालय में हिंदी शिक्षिका हूँ मुझे स्वयं पुस्तकें पढ़ना हमेशा बहूत अच्छा लगा पुस्तकें अच्छे मित्र की तरह होती हैंबालकों के व्यक्तित्व निर्माण के लिए पुस्तकें सरस सरल हों देश भक्तो नैतिक शिक्षा आहार व्यायाम बीमारी के घरेलू इलाज़ रसोई खान पान संस्कृति व् हम कैसे देश के लिए कार्य करें पुस्तकें रास्ता दिखाएं अनावश्यक बम बनाने जैसी शिक्षा सब को न दी जाए।हर विषय विद्या पर हर किसी को हक़ न मिले।नैतिकता बहुत जरूरी है।भारतिय राजाओं के गौरव व् इतिहास को भी पढ़ाएं

Sanganbasavrajeshwari Bhimrao Shirkanahalli
Sanganbasavrajeshwari Bhimrao Shirkanahalli 6 years 2 weeks ago

Our Honourable PM Narendra Modi ji, I think the Bicycles of better efficiency should be produced so that more people will switch on to use of it and our problems regarding petrol will be minimized. Similarly there should a separate track for cyclists on the road so that they can travel safely. Sir there is one more request that just stop all the business relations with Pakistan. The Pakistani artists should be sent back from our country. We should not include any Pakistani cricketer in IPL.